Pre Purchase Marine Surveys.
The purpose of a pre purchase Marine survey is to provide our client with an unbiased, accurate and detailed report of the subject vessels condition. This involves inspection of both the interior and exterior of the vessel. The vessel will be inspected structurally with attention paid to the complete condition of the vessel and relative components.
Inspection will be undertaken visually and with percussion testing. Moisture meter testing can also be undertaken if requested.
A visual inspection will be undertaken of the mechanical and electrical systems although a certified diesel mechanic and marine electrician would be recommended if a more detailed inspection is required.
A pre purchase marine survey is a significant expense in purchasing a vessel. But considering the overall purchase price, peace of mind, and insuring the vessel is in good condition, actually a small investment considering.
Insurance Marine Surveys.
Insurance Marine surveys are undertaken at the request of the client. This is to make sure the vessel is in a fit and proper condition for insurance company requirements. The vessel will be surveyed both in and out of the water.
The report will contain a description of the vessel, including details of equipment onboard and their working condition. Structural integrity will be noted, condition of the hull, and superstructure included. Any work that is needed to bring the vessel to insurance requirements will be noted. Suggestions for remedial work required will be given. Also advice will be given for future routine and preventative maintenance.
Pacific Rim Marine Surveys Ltd’s goal is to help our clients easily bring their vessel to insurance company standards. Not only that, we ease the transition so that future surveys will be hassle free.